General Terms and Definitions

The following general concepts will be used through out this article.

1 to n relationship
That 1 to n items of class a could be in relationship with a given item of class b, means that a relationship between an item of class a and the given item b could be added or discarded from time to time.
A description refers to the purpose of a given field, not to its specific content.
Initial content
Default textual content of a given field. This content may or may not be present.
Initial content should be overwritten by I Ching interpreters. When it is, the field is simply referred to as ``content''. See section [*] for a discussion of user roles.
This is an optional text field that could be associated with a given ``content'' field to clarify its meaning.
Initial Resource
A resource is an object that could be added to a given item to symbolize its meaning: for example, an image, a video, a music track, or a visual theme.
As with initial contents, initial resources of a given type should be overwritten by I Ching interpreters.
Other specific I Ching system definitions will be introduced in other sections as necessary.

Jean Pierre Charalambos 2004-06-01