User Roles

According to the previous identified scenarios it is possible to define all the different system user roles: administrator, interpreter and (simply put) user. According to system accessibility, i. e. translators' press licenses, users could be subdivided in registered and unregistered. Table [*] shows the minimum conditions that a specific user role needs to satisfy.

Table: Default user minimum permissions to system functions.
  The Book Experiences
  Writing Reading Writing Reading
translator $\surd$ $\surd$    
reg-user   $\surd$ $\surd$ $\surd$
unreg-user   $\frac{1}{2}$    

Observe that a specific user may have one or more roles, e. g., a registered user may want to have write permissions to The Book or a translator may want to get a registered account to share specific reading experiences.

Jean Pierre Charalambos 2004-06-01