The I Ching system is built up from sections and I Ching entities.
Any section has the following properties:
- A section represents both the usual textual sections of a book,
e.g., an introduction or a prologue, and some specific I Ching sections,
see section
for more details.
- There may be 1 to n sections on the system.
- A single section comprises all of the following:
- A name that uniquely identifies it, e.g., prologue.
- A description.
- An initial content.
- 1 to n initial resources.
I Ching entities are only lines, trigrams and hexagrams,
see section
. Properties of I Ching entities
- A name that uniquely identifies it.
- 1 to n attributes. See section
- 1 to n relationships. See section
- 1 to n initial resources.
The general structure of the I Ching system is depicted in figure
I Ching structure
Jean Pierre Charalambos